Friday, October 23, 2015

The Basics Of Ultrasonic Subliminals (part 1 of 2)

People all over the world are discovering the benefits of using ultrasonic subliminals to effect change in their lives. In fact, numerous audio products have been developed and sold on the market to be of assistance to folks who want to turn their life and careers around – obviously, for the better. 

However, a lot of individuals are still skeptical about the effectiveness of ultrasonic subliminals. To get a better understanding of what it is all about, you need to take the two concepts apart and be familiar with how they work. After that, you may determine for yourself whether it does work or not.

What is Ultrasonic?

Ultrasonic is actually the adjective of the term "ultrasound", which is sound with frequencies greater than the maximum threshold of human hearing. Technically, a person can hear sounds between the range of 20 Hz and 20,0000 Hz. This upper limit has a tendency to diminish with age. For that reason, most adults have become incapable of hearing sounds beyond 16 kHz (16,000 Hz).

The human ear itself doesn’t really react to frequencies of less than 20 Hz. However, these can be felt through the sense of touch. Some recent studies had also revealed a "hypersonic effect" – a term that describes the phenomenon that demonstrates a quantifiable outcome on a person's psychological reaction with respect to the absence or the presence of frequencies beyond 20,000 Hz. You may not consciously perceive the sound but it can definitely have an effect on you.

What is Subliminal?

In Latin, the term "subliminal" stands for "beneath the threshold". It represents information that is exceedingly faint for a person to perceive consciously. Nevertheless, it is recorded in the subconscious area of the mind. At times, the word subliminal can also stand for the pieces of information that the conscious mind has chosen to pay no attention to in favor of more interesting or more obvious details.

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